Holy Week & Easter 2024

Palm Sunday

Sunday, March 24th, 9:45 am, indoors after procession (or watch the livestream)

Hosannas will ring out as we process from the Memorial Garden into the Sanctuary waving palms. We will also hear the story of Jesus’ passion according to Matthew in addition to hymns, prayers, and communion.

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, March 28th, 7:00 pm, indoors (or watch the livestream)

Jesus told his disciples about his love for them and then he showed them, too. The Last Supper becomes our way of life. We will share in the commandment of Jesus to love one another as we gather around the word and Lord’s Supper. The altar will be stripped at the conclusion of the service.

Good Friday

Friday, March 29th, 7:00 pm, indoors (or watch the livestream)

We will gather around the Cross of Jesus, hearing the Passion according to John and praying for the world.

The Sanctuary will also be open for prayer from noon to 3pm on Friday. Come by anytime during that window to pray.

Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31st, 9:45 am, indoors (or watch the livestream)

He is Risen! Come join us to celebrate the new life in the Resurrection! We will sing and tell the story that is the hope of the world. We will share in communion and shout Alleluias!

Following worship there will be refreshments for all and a special egg hunt for little ones in the fun pattern of our “Messy Church”.