Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are your worship services like?
Our weekly Sunday services are at 9:45am, with Sunday School meeting at afterwards – typically starting around 10:45am.
Grounded in tradition, our liturgical (or method) worship can be broken down into four different parts:
1) Gather- A time of welcoming, preparing our hearts and mind for worship through song and praise.
2) Word – A reading from each, of the Old Testament, the book of Psalms, the New Testament and the Gospel. Time with the Word also includes a message from the pastor.
3) Meal – Holy Communion is held. All are welcome to God’s Table and are invited to partake in breaking of bread and drinking of wine.
4) Send – Finally, blessings are shared through word and song and we’re dismissed into the world, where the real service begins.
As for music, you’ll hear both traditional and contemporary offerings. Instrumentalists, soloists and choirs are often heard. While we may occasionally have a band, we keep our focus on the cross. Many folks do like to dress up for worship services, while others enjoy being a bit more relaxed. We encourage families of all ages to worship together. A nursery is available, but is not staffed. Parents are responsible for the supervision of the their children while in the nursery; a monitor does broadcast the service.
Please, come as you are!
Q. What Christian denomination are you affiliated with?
Denomination is a fancy way of saying ‘branch’ or ‘type of,’ and in this case we are a branch of the Christian church. Further, we belong to the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). To learn more about the ELCA and living Lutheran, visit
Q. What is involved in your Confirmation program?
Confirmation is a three-year program, typically during middle school years. The program incorporates Sunday morning teaching sessions, service events, fun activities, overnight retreats, and regular attendance in worship. The teaching sessions focus on learning essential Christianity, Bible basics and Lutheran beliefs.
Q. What programs are available for children and students?
For information regarding our youth programs, get in touch with the Church Office. The calendar and newsletter, on this website, are great ways of staying in the know. For information regarding Little Lambs Christian Preschool, get in touch here.
Q. How do I become a member of Good Shepherd?
We encourage those interested in becoming a member to begin by engaging in worship regularly at Good Shepherd on Sunday mornings. As you worship with us and discover what being a part of the church community is like, talk with the pastor about your interest and we would be happy to explore this with you further. Periodically, we hold New Member Classes and Lunch for those who wish to become members, and for those who’d like to learn more about the community of Good Shepherd. For more specifics, please call the church office.
Q. Can I have my child baptized at Good Shepherd?
Yes! Just as Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,” we greatly enjoy and are honored to be bringing children into God’s family through baptism. A class with the parents and sponsors (a.k.a. Godparents) is held a week or two before the baptism. We celebrate baptisms as a part of the regular Sunday morning worship service.
Q. What are the expectations if I want to have my wedding at Good Shepherd?
We’re proud of our beautiful sanctuary, built in 1983, and would enjoy having you and your fiancé hold your wedding at Good Shepherd. The recently remodeled Nancy Hamilton Fellowship Hall may even suit your reception needs. If/when you decide to do so, Pastor Keith would be more than happy to schedule pre-marriage counseling sessions and talk about the wedding service itself.
Q. How do I plan a funeral?
When the death of a loved one occurs, or when death may seem imminent, please make contact with the church office so that we can make plans accordingly and provide you and your family with care and support.
Q. How can I schedule a time to meet with the pastor?
Please call the church office Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm, and ask to speak with Pastor Keith.
Q. Does your congregation offer space for community groups to use?
Yes, we have often welcomed outside groups to use our facility. Neighboring churches, Boy Scouts, Support Groups (such as AA), parties and receptions, and other non-profit groups have all made use of our meeting rooms and the Nancy Hamilton Fellowship Hall for special events or regular meetings. Check out our Rentals page and or get in contact with the office.