Interfaith Food Pantry (offsite)

Good Shepherd supports the Interfaith Food Pantry at Aldersgate United Methodist church, 9530 Starkey Road, Seminole, FL 33777. The pantry is open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm.

Here’s an update from the pantry:

To minimize contact, I encourage you to bring your donations to the pantry as often as you wish – even weekly – Our storeroom operating days:  Monday, Tuesday or Thursday between 10 & 1.  Please place non-perishables in the grocery baskets on the sidewalk between the pantry & the shed on the north side of the church.  Thus, there will be no interfacing with the storeroom or pantry volunteers. No deliveries will be accepted through the doors off the parking lot.  (Due to heat & the potential for bugs, animals, etc. we
are forced to dispose of any items left at the pantry when we are closed.)

No donations should be delivered to the pantry on Thursday for several reasons:
·       The “drive by” distribution would not permit space to unload.
·       “Social distancing” would not be possible.
·       Volunteers will not be available to accept donations.

Not needed: Snacks, Candy, Beverages (no juice, soda, etc)
We do not need plastic containers